domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Let's know some fruits!!!

Fruits are very important for your health and if you want to keep your body free from grease and getting fat you should know them and eat them more often.

Las frutas son muy importantes para tu cuerpo y si quieres mantenerlo sano, libre de grasas y no engordar, deberías conocerlas y comerlas más seguido.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

Do you eat healthy food?

Talk with your partners about the kind of food that you eat at home, Do you consider it healthy? If you don't. what could you do to improve this situation?

Comparte con tus compañeros que tipo de comida comes en tu casa, ¿La consideras sana?.
si no es así, ¿que cosa podrías hacer para mejorarlo?

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

Have you ever played with fruits?

This game will help you to practice the things you've learned
just follow the instructions ... if you don't understand ask the

Este juego te ayudará a practicar lo que has aprendido, solo sigue
las instrucciones ... Si no entiendes puedes preguntarle a tu profesor (a).